May 30, 2012

Anti-Smoking Campaign Target kids, Chicago News

Chicago health officials say a new public awareness campaign is aimed at stopping the sale of cigarettes to children. The Chicago Department of Public Health says the campaign will include ads on trains and buses encouraging residents to call 311 if they see tobacco being sold to a minor. Officials say 80 percent of adult smokers took up the habit before they turned 18 and that one in four adults and one in eight high school students in Chicago smoke regularly.

May 22, 2012

Smokers Teeth and Smoking Habit

Smoking is linked to a number of medical conditions, and given that the oral cavity is the first part of the body which is subjected to cigarette smoke, it should come as no surprise that smoking has an adverse effect on teeth and other parts of the oral cavity. Various studies have established the link between smoking and oral health, and this write-up focuses on the same.

May 15, 2012

Smoke-Free Parks, The Hasting City Council Approved

The Hastings City Council approved a new policy banning smoking in city parks Monday after discussion on whether the policy goes far enough. At an April work session, City Administrator Joe Patterson recommended using a policy rather than an ordinance, which would subject violators to a fine. Patterson said other cities and states that have instituted a policy have had good results and cooperation from residents.

May 8, 2012

Cigarettes Tax Doubled, EU News

Smokers across the EU may be in for a surprise later this year if the European Commission adopts experts’ proposals to double the tax on cigarettes to curb the addictive habit. Experts, including top economists and health specialists, are recommending that the minimum excise duty on cigarettes and other tobacco products across the EU be “at least doubled” and increased every year. They have established a clear relation between the price of cigarettes and consumption patterns through a three-year Commission-sponsored study on pricing policies and control of tobacco products in Europe.

May 3, 2012

Cigars Smoker, Glamour of Smoking

Scientific research has proven that chronic consumption of the plant can lead to cancer. Most ways of consuming it are now frowned upon by the general populace. Cigarettes smell terrible and make smokers cough stuff up. Dipping and chewing are seen as gross habits — apparently, spitting brown gunk out of your mouth is disgusting — who knew? The general public perception of tobacco is, at best, pessimistic. There is, however one aspect of smoking that still has a glamorous quality to it: smoking cigars.